Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Federalism Questions

6AP US History Federalism Questions I. Answer the following questions as fully as possible. Use the Internet, The American Pageant, or other sources to find the answers. Also please list your sources for each question. 1. What were the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the Constitution at the Constitutional Conference in May 1787. Members of the Conference saw to replace the Articles because it was weak. The articles did not effectively unify the nation with a central government. No centralized government would lead to conflicts within and between states.Also Constitution had direct taxation, which would be a source of money for the government. There was no strong foreign policy either. 2. What were some of the key elements of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was a very important law for the newly founded America. It gave all unclaimed land to the federal government. It allowed the governm ent to establish territories, which could become states after the area achieves a population of 60,000. Territories could also establish governments when their population of free white men was 5,000.The law also made waterways like the Mississippi and St. Lawrence rivers free for travel for United States Citizens. Religious freedom, habeas corpus and bans on cruel and unusual punishment were established. The northern Territories were also declared free of slavery. 3. Why was Shay’s Rebellion such a dangerous situation for the new USA? Shay’s Rebellion, an uprising of central and western Massachusetts farmers, started because the government did not pass laws that would forgive debt and print more money. The farmers needed this because the area was experiencing an economic crisis.Daniel Shays, a former member of the Continental Army led the cause. The cause was dangerous because so many people supported them. Citizens saw the rebels as the same as those who rebelled in t he Revolution. When the government squashed their movement, many people were discontented and other rebellions sprung up. 4. Why did the Constitution have a system of checks and balances? The Constitution had a system of checks and balances to keep the three branches in even power. If an unconstitutional law is being passed by congress the Judiciary Branch can stop it.The Judicial Branch can do the same for presidential acts. This would keep the power more evenly spread and allow more voices to be heard too. The checks could prevent dictatorial rule too. 5. Explain the 3/5 Compromise. How/why did this happen? The three-fifths Compromise was an agreement between the North and South met during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. The law stated that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for things such as how many House Representative a state would get and state tax distribution.The compromise was met because anti-slavery delegates wanted only free men to count, which would take power away from the South and pro-slavery delegates wanted every slave to count as a person. 6. Why did Alexander Hamilton welcome the Whiskey Rebellion? The Whiskey Rebellion was resilience against a tax on whiskey set forth by Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton established the tax to pay off the United States’ large debt. Small western farmers protested because the tax was more lenient on larger eastern distilleries.Soon, they rebelled and were quickly squashed by Washington’s newly formed administration. Hamilton welcomed the rebellion because he saw it as a test for the new government. The rebellion eventually also led to the formation of the Republican and Federalist Parties. 7. What was Alexander Hamilton’s view of the â€Å"masses† compared to Thomas Jefferson’s? 8. How did George Washington handle the issue of war between England and France? In 1792, after the French Revolution, the newly established French Republic went to war with al most all of Europe.Washington decided to remain neutral for the course of his term. This became hard because both countries begin seizing neutral trade ships and America was trying to maintain trade with both sides. 9. Why were the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions such a threat to the Federal Government? During John Adams’ Presidency, the Congress was almost all members of the Federalist Party. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, who were trying to fight the Alien and Sedition Acts, could not influence Congress at all. They decided take their case to state legislatures and wrote resolutions to Kentucky and Virginia.The documents suggested that states had the power do declare laws unconstitutional, which was dangerous to the Federal Government. 10. Explain the XYZ affair. How did John Adams handle this event? The XYZ affair happened during John Adams’ service as president When Adams assumed his presidency, the French did not recognize him. Agents codenamed X, Y, and Z, demanded huge amounts of money for loans and bribery. Adams spoke to Congress and called for a navy which resulted in what is called the Quasi-War, an undeclared war that consisted of a few naval skirmishes in the Caribbean.The outcome of the war was that France would no longer attack U. S. trade vessels and United States neutrality. 11. How did the 2 party political system in American politics evolve? Sample AP questions. 12. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence issued a call for a democratic government of equal citizens that was rejected by the writers of the Constitution, who created an aristocratic government that benefited only the wealthy few. † Assess the validity of this statement. Issued on July 4, 1776 by the Constitutional Congress, the Declaration of Independence was a document that fervently called for equality for all citizens.On September 17, 1787, the Constitution was declared as the supreme law of the United States. The statement, â€Å"The Declaration of Independence issued a call for a democratic government of equal citizens that was rejected by the writers of the Constitution, who created an aristocratic government that benefited only the wealthy few,† is invalid because while the Constitution made for a more powerful federal government, officials were elected by the people, those officials’ terms were all terminal, and checks and balances were put into place.In the United States, all officials are elected by the citizen. Members of the government like the President, Congressmen, Representatives, Judges, Sheriffs, and City Officials are all decided by people in the community that they concern. Even though power is put onto a single person at some times, that individual was decided on by the people. While some officials like Supreme Court Judges and Cabinet Members are not decided by the people, they re decided by the President, who is elected by the people. The government officers who are elected by the masses, all se rve for finite terms. For example, Presidents serve four years until going up for re-election. At the time, there was no limit to how many terms a President can serve, but the people would decide that limit with their votes. Members of Congress, the House of Representatives and city officials all serve for various amounts of time before being put up to be re-elected.This means that new ideas and values can flow throughout the government and a dictatorial rule is impossible. The United States Government also has checks and balances to keep all three branches within equal power. The Legislative Branch has the power to impeach the President, approve federal Judges, and declare war, while the Executive Branch has the power to veto bills, appoint Supreme Court Judges, and the President is the Commander in Chief of the Military.The Judicial Branch can have Judicial review on both the Legislative and Executive Branches. These help evenly distribute the power more throughout government and keep one branch from taking too much control. With its election of officials by the people, finite serving terms for government officers, and checks and balances, the U. S. government established by the Constitution is far from an aristocracy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Installing Openmrs Essay

There are two ways to install OpenMRS: Standalone, and Enterprise. You must have Java 6 or higher installed on your system to run OpenMRS. OpenMRS Standalone provides a simplified installation option with an embedded database and web server. It is a great way to evaluate and explore OpenMRS, letting you get a local version up and running within minutes, and includes download options with sample data. OpenMRS Standalone should run fine for smaller installations (fewer than 10,000 patient records), but if you are setting up a larger installation, we recommend using the Enterprise installation. If you are not sure which makes sense, you can start with a standalone installation and migrate your data to the enterprise version later. OpenMRS Enterprise is appropriate for larger installations. If you already have a Java servlet container and a database installed, and you want to set up OpenMRS to use these resources, you should also use OpenMRS Enterprise. OpenMRS Standalone To install the standalone version, download the ZIP file and decompress it, then double-click the openmrs-standalone. jar file to run it. The first time you run this file, it will install OpenMRS and open your browser to the new OpenMRS instance. Do not delete or rename any files or folders after decompressing the ZIP file. These files and folders are required by the standalone installer. Alternatively, from the command line, you can navigate to the decompressed folder and run the following command: java -jar standalone-1. 1. jar On Linux, you can also double-click on the file named run-on-linux. sh. If you are prompted for how to run it, just select run. Alternatively, you can use a command line shell to navigate to the decompressed folder and run the following command: ./run-on-linux. sh Upgrading Standalone To upgrade a copy of OpenMRS Standalone, do the following: Stop the previous version of OpenMRS Standalone and exit the application. Download and extract the most recent version of OpenMRS Standalone. Copy your database directory from the previous version to this new OpenMRS directory. Copy your openmrs-standalone-runtime. properties from the previous version to this new OpenMRS directory. Install OpenMRS Standalone as described above. The new version of OpenMRS will run with your old data. Logging in By default, the initial username and password are as follows: Username: admin Password: Admin123 You must immediately change the admin password after installation for security purposes. To change your password, click My Profile in the upper right of OpenMRS, and choose the Change Login Info tab. Update your password, then click Save Options. You can also change your username, and provide your real name, on this screen. Stopping and Restarting As long as OpenMRS is running, you can return to the application by opening the following URL in your browser. http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/ Before you change certain preferences, such as the port on which MySQL or Tomcat runs, you must stop the application. To stop the application, use the Stop button in the user interface, or choose File > Quit. Alternatively, run the JAR file on the command line with a -stop parameter. You can restart the GUI by clicking Start, or double-clicking on the JAR file again. Alternatively, you can run the JAR file with a -start parameter. By default, OpenMRS runs the MySQL database on port 3316, and the Tomcat server on port 8081. To use a different port, stop the application, then change the port number in the openmrs-standalone-runtime. properties file or in the GUI, and restart. To override the port from the command line, run the JAR file with a -tomcatport or -mysqlport parameter. Changing the port number will change the URL used to access the application. To access the application, you can choose File > Launch Browser, or run the JAR file with a -browser parameter. OpenMRS Enterprise You must have Apache Tomcat and MySQL installed on your system before installing the enterprise version of OpenMRS. Download the Enterprise WAR package from http://openmrs. org/download/ Navigate to the Tomcat Web Application Manager and enter your Tomcat administrator credentials. http://localhost:8080/manager/html Browse to the location of the openmrs. war package, and deploy it. The initial setup which follows may take some time. At the end of the process, the Web Application Manager will refresh, and /openmrs should be displayed in the list of applications. Tomcat should also start the application (Running = True). Open the OpenMRS web application to complete the initial setup process. http://localhost:8080/openmrs Getting Started with OpenMRS Enterprise The first time you run OpenMRS, the setup wizard will help you configure your installation. Follow the instructions in this wizard to set up your database, and populate it with test data if necessary.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Environmental Engineering Essay

It involves  waste water management  and  air pollution  control, recycling,  waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, environmental sustainability, and  public health  issues as well as a knowledge of  environmental engineering law. It is a related study of environmental science. Main task of environmental engineers is to protect public health by protecting (from further degradation), preserving (the present condition of), and enhancing the environment. Some work of Environmental engineers: Conducts hazardous-waste management  studies to evaluate the significance of such hazards, advise on treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps. Design municipal water supply and  industrial wastewater treatment  systems. Address environmental issues such as the effects of  acid rain,  global warming,  ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from  automobile exhausts  and  industrial sources. Environmental science  is an interdisciplinary  academic field  that integrates physical and biological sciences, (including but not limited to  Ecology,  Physics,  Chemistry,  Biology,  Soil Science,  Geology,  Atmospheric Science  and  Geography) to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary  approach to the study of environmental systems. Environmental science came alive as a substantive, active field of scientific investigation in the 1960s and 1970s driven by the ff. ssues: (a)  Ã‚   the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze complex environmental problems. (b)  Ã‚   the arrival of substantive environmental laws requiring specific environmental protocols of investigation. (c)  Ã‚   the growing public awareness of a need for action in addressing environmental problems. Related areas of study: environmental studies   – incorporates more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. 2. environmental engineering focuses on design and technology for improving environmental quality. Components of Environmental Science: Ecology  is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecologists might investigate the relationship between a population of organisms and some physical characteristic of their environment, such as concentration of a chemical; or they might investigate the interaction between a two populations of different organisms through some symbiotic or competitive relationship. For example, an interdisciplinary analysis of an ecological system which is being impacted by one or more stressors might include several related environmental science fields. In an estuarine setting where a proposed industrial development could impact certain species by  water  and  air pollution,  biologists  would describe the flora and fauna,  chemists  would analyze the transport of water pollutants to the marsh,  physicists  would calculate  air pollution  emissions and  geologists  would assist in understanding the marsh soils and bay muds. . Atmospheric sciences  focuses on the Earth’s atmosphere, with an emphasis upon its interrelation to other systems. Atmospheric sciences can include studies of  meteorology,greenhouse gas  phenomena,  atmospheric dispersion modeling  of airborne contaminants,[3][4]  sound propagation phenomena related to  noise pollution, and even  light pollution. Taking the example of the  global warming  phenomena, physicists create  computer models  of atmospheric circulation and infra-red radiation transmission, chemists examine the inventory of atmospheric chemicals and their reactions, biologists analyze the plant and animal contributions to  carbon dioxide  fluxes, and specialists such as  meteorologists  and  oceanographers add additional breadth in understanding the atmospheric dynamics. 3. Environmental chemistry  is the study of chemical alterations in the environment. Principal areas of study include  soil contamination  and  water pollution. The topics of analysis include chemical degradation in the environment, multi-phase transport of chemicals (for example, evaporation of a  solvent  containing lake to yield solvent as an air pollutant), and chemical effects upon biota. As an example study, consider the case of a leaking  solvent  tank which has entered the habitat soil of an  endangered species  of amphibian. As a method to resolve or understand the extent of  soil contamination  and subsurface transport of solvent, a computer model would be implemented. Chemists would then characterize the molecular bonding of the solvent to the specific soil type, and biologists would study the impacts upon soil  arthropods, plants, and ultimately pond-dwelling organisms that are the food of the endangered amphibian. 4. Geosciences  include  environmental geology,  environmental soil science, volcanic phenomena and evolution of the Earth’s crust. In some classification systems this can also includehydrology, including  oceanography. As an example study of soils  erosion, calculations would be made of  surface runoff  by soil scientists. Fluvial geomorphologists would assist in examining  sediment transport  in overland flow. Physicists would contribute by assessing the changes in light transmission in the receiving waters. Biologists would analyze subsequent impacts to aquatic flora and fauna from increases in water turbidity. Ecology study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. – starts as early as 300 BC with the Greek named Theophastus, his interest with the interrelationship between organism and the living environment, become his as the Father of Botany. Environment refers to the sum of all the external forces and conditions acting on an organism or community of organism. – oekologie was coined by the german zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, comes from the greek word oikos, meaning home or a place to live in. defines as the relationship of animals both to the organic as well as the inorganic environment,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   – in the mid-1900’s two group of botanist, one from the Europe and America, become interested in the study of plants communities, the Europeans concentrated on the composition, structure and distribution of plant communities, on the other hand the Americans concentrate to the development of plant, eventually they become interested at the animals as well, and gave a greater emphasis on inter-relationship of animals and plants. This become the birth of ecology as the formal field of study. – British economist, Thomas Malthus, gave special attention to population in the early 19th century, his the first one o recognized the conflict between expanding population and earths capability to supply it. – scope of ecology, organism (eg. Proto-plasma, cell, tissue, organ, organ system), population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. Organism: Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Protoplasma – it makes up the living substance of the cell. Cell – basic unit of life Tissue-group of cell performing specific functions Organ- group of tissue carrying a particular functions Organ system – group of organ doing s specific function. Levels of organization of life (inside the organism): Population – group of organism of the same kind or species occupying a particular place at a particular time. Community – a group of populations occupying a given area. Ecosystem –   basic unit of ecology, refers to the interaction between the organism and environment. It includes population, communities, habitat (the place where the organism lives) and the environment. eg. forest, grassland, river, etc. ) Biosphere – world of life. It is the portion of the earth where in life on its any form existed. Components of ecosystem: Biotic – they are the living components of ecosystem consisting of plants, animals and bacteria. Abiotic – they are the non living component that consist of substrat um, light, rainfall, nutrients, soil, temperature, etc. Biotic Components: Green plants   Ã‚  Ã‚     known as the producers. They capture the energy coming from the sun and together with the CO2 in the air and H2O converts this into food energy. They are called autotrophs (self nourishing), they manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis. There are also microscopic green plant called phytoplanktons, they give the green color to the bodies of water such as lake and rivers    Animals Known as the consumers. Obtain other food sources to other plants and animals they are called heterotrophs. Three types of consumers: Herbivores – that eat plants only Carnivores – animals that eat other animals. Omnivores- eat both plants and animals. Bacteria and Fungi They are called decomposers. They eat the dead bodies of plants and animals, where they get their energy and convert it to other nutrients back into the environment. They are popular called the janitor of the nature. Abiotic Components: Soil   the upper layer of the earth’s crust affected by plants and animals serves as the habitat and pool of nutrients for many organism. Humus dark decaying organic substance found in the soil. Physical characteristic of soil: Color The color of the soils is influence by the element present in the soil. Soil color and element presesent: Grey (lacks of iron) Brown & red (rich in iron) Texture   the texture of the soil affects the amount of water and nutrients the soil can hold. Texture of the soil: Sandy (composed of coarse particles) Clay (consist of fine particles) Silt (composed of medium size particles. ) Loamy (mixture of clay, sand and silt) Moisture Water content of the soil. It is influence by factors such as: Texture Amount of rainfall Slope of the land Underlying rock type. pH The concentration of hydrogen ions on the soil. The soil which contain a large amount of lime is alkaline and with large amount of granite id acidic. pH value raging from 1-6 is acidic and 8-14 are basic while those with 7 reading is neutral type of soil. Structure Refers to the arrangement of it’s particle which build up larger amount of soil structure is called peds. The peds damage will result to the poor drainage of water to the soil. 2. Water Importance of water in ecosystem: It comprise of a large percentage of the tissues of all living organism. Required by plants to support their non woody tissues. Used by the plants as a vessel of nutrients from the soil. It is absorbed by the plant and release in the environment which produces the cooling effect. Plant adaptation to water: (Based on the tolerance of plant to water. ):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Hydropytes (Plants that grow in water and waterlogged soils)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Halophytes (Plants that grow in saline environment. )   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Xerophytes (Plants that grow in dry or arid condition. 3. Temperature Affects the plant and cooled blooded animals by controlling their metabolism. Affect the water loss of the organism. Most organism function at temperature between 0 degree to 50 degree centigrade.. 4. Wind An agent of pollination and seed dispersal. It also affects transpiration in the plants by causing faster evaporation with in their surroundings. Pathways of energy: Energy It is needed by the organism for growth, maintenance and repair and for life. Organism obtain their energy by two ways: Autotrophy (producing their own food) Heterotrophy (eating other organism) Food Chain Consist of the sequence of organism that eat other organism through which energy is transferred. Every food chain starts a producer and end with decomposers. Trophic levels of food chain: First trophic ( producers) Second trophic (herbivores called primary consumers) Third trophic (carnivore that eat hervobores) 4th trophic (carnivores that eat carnivores) In food chain the energy transferred from one trophic level to another is decreasing. Food web Consist of several interlocking food chain. It is a transfer of energy involving several pathways. Nutrients cycle: Classification of Nutrients: Macronutrients – those that are required by organism by large quantities. Ex. Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen Micronutrient – are needed by the organism by smaller amounts. Ex. Sulfur, potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Water Cycles: Evaporation (from bodies of water) Respiration ( from animals) Transpiration (from the trees) Condensation   (accumulation of all the vapors, transpiration and respiration) Precipitation (for rain) Runoff (water run from the higher grounds) Carbon and Oxygen cycle: Carbon is mostly present in the environment by cabon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is present at: It could be found at dead organism. Volcano eruption. Respiration of animals. Oxygen is abundant in plants transpiration, it is release in the air as a waste product and absorbed by animals. Nitrogen Cycles: Nitrogen constitutes 78% of air in the atmosphere. Plants used it as a nitrates, and nitrogen converted it by two process: The action of lightning. Process of action by specialized organism such as legumes. Communities Community Group of different kinds of organism or species living together in a particular place. Worlds Major communities: 1. Dessert Biome Bushes and shrubs for vegetation Sandy, dry and loose type of soil. Less than 10 cm of rain fall in a year. Lizards, snakes, eagles, owls, toads, insects and small

Problem in your local community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problem in your local community - Essay Example According to traditional settings and history, the man usually stands as the breadwinners of the family. He works hard to earn money in order to support his family from outside work. The woman on the other hand is the caretaker of the family. She stays at home to take care of household chores, take care of the children, and to support the men. However, in modern times, there is a split in gender roles as more women are increasingly becoming breadwinners of their families, providing the majority of household income and needs. Gender roles grow closer by the day as we now have more and more stay-at-home dads taking care of the children while their wives go to work. Every society has a mechanism that allows for variations in the gender roles or sexuality of their members. This allows males to perform female chore while the men perform masculine chores. In the olden tradition, this was berdache, where a male who did not have strengths, skills and expertise equaled to his fellow male counterparts played the female gender roles while the strong men went to work. In modern societies, there is little or no emphasis on genders roles. In fact, they advocate for empowerment of women and education of the girl child. Hence the slogan, what a man can do a woman can do better. This shows just how open the society is to free participation of gender roles for both sexes. Men can work in jobs that were traditionally feminists, such as hairdressing and beauty therapy, while the women can also perform functions that traditionally were for the men, e.g. leadership and administration. Both sexes are equal and can perform each other’s roles as competently a s possible (Fausto-Sterling 19). The success of this development angles around the various feminists movements that took place across the world championing for the equal rights of women within the society. In fact, governments and other ruling

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Describe The Here and Now Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Describe The Here and Now - Essay Example The piece has buoyant rhythms with unpredictable sense of emotions released by the lyrical sentences at the start, as well as at the end of each stanza. The highlighted poem is meditative with emotional moments that give anxiety in the entire poem. It uses heterophony as a way of presenting the message to the intended audience. The sonority and sensibility in unfolding the ideas and concepts in the poem make it interesting and memorable. The lyrics in the piece are metaphysical and touch on things that we cannot touch or even imagine, this makes it elusive and emotional. The here and now shows Theofanidis’ mastery of the orchestra and his strong sense for both drama and melody. The harmonized choral parts allow the lyrics to come out in a clear way. They are made clearer by the shorter sentences adapted by Theofanidis in his poetry piece. The whole piece is viscerally evocative, dramatic, presentational, pretentious as well as intended for meditation. It has been crafted to incorporate neo-romantic qualities similar to that of Shakespeare. The whole piece is quite informative and incorporates all the elements of a comprehensive dramatic poem. With the continuous improvement in the different genres, the poem needs to be all inclusive to accommodate all groups of audience including, the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Plan for Kindle Fire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan for Kindle Fire - Assignment Example The main characteristic features of this device are, book reading, blogs, newspapers and all important documents, it mostly supports the portable document format (P.D.F) along with various other formats. Different models have been introduced since the beginning starting from the earlier one, followed by DX in 2009, and now the most recent one being the Kindle Fire. With less than couple of years in market it has made a lot of progress and at the same time it needs to address certain issues, and since after the launch many factors have come to forefront therefore this paper looks at the marketing perspective of Kindle Fire. Kindle fire is seen as a beginning of new era in the world of e-book device from Amazon since its considered as the rival to the Apple’s already in market I-pad .With Fire edition, it was the first time since Amazon introduced colored screens in their e book readers.. It provides access to thousands of movies, over a million books. With help of Premier membership access to lots of free stream material becomes possible. It is being stated as the insurgent that has blown I-pad out of the water. It is being dubbed as I-pad killer and with such a formidable package and features it is certainly going to present a challenge to the existing players in the game.The fire edition would serve as outsider force in the industry since it is totally revamped and a new look to the previous versions of Kindle. It is built on Android operating system and hence a complete infrastructure based kernel running the application programs. It runs on Android 2.3 version of the O.S. It provides a batte ry time of as long as eight hours and supports all three variants of Wi-Fi, that are, b/n/g. It has a dual core processor with clock speed of 1 G-hertz. (McNulty, S. 2011). Financial Statistics: in the category of tablets Apple is the chart leader, but Kindle is not

Friday, July 26, 2019

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to change in a Essay

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to change in a organization - Essay Example According to Asten (2011), the first strategy that can be employed is to analyze the positive together with the negative effects of the policy that is set to be implemented. In carrying out such analysis, however, it is of significance to look at specific aspects of the policy as the simplicity of implementing such policies. Asten argues that it is far reaching for the heads of any organization to implement policies that are easy to effect. In like manner, Asten is of the opinion that the compatibility of the new policy should be considered and in that regard, it should be observed that the policy should be compatible with the cultures of the organization. Another aspect of the policy that should also be considered according to Asten is the divisibility of the policy. Asten describes divisibility as whether the policy is to be implemented in full or in stages. Homer (2010) is of the opinion that whether a new policy would be implemented in a new organization depends on communication. He defines an ideal communication strategy as a situation where the heads of the organization fill the employees in on any impending changes and the employees similarly, provide the heads with their take on a new policy. Homer argues that the policy may not be favorable to the employees but presenting the policy in a positive manner makes the employees see some sense in the policy that is to be introduced. According to Jansen (2000), one way to overcome resistance to change within an organization is by ensuring that the new policy does not overload the employees in a way. Jansen makes reference to the finite pool of worry where he argues that whenever water is being poured on a sponge, it reaches a point where the sponge becomes saturated, and any more water that is added to it will pour out instead of filling the pores of the sponge. On the same basis, Jansen is of the opinion that in as much as change is necessary

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic human resource management and human resource management Essay

Strategic human resource management and human resource management - Essay Example In essence, structure of the workforce in any organisation should be well-thought of because it virtually determines the duration for goal achievement. The major objective of most organizations is to achieve the laid goals within the shortest period possible. Therefore, it is important for human resource department in an organisation to ensure that it applies the best strategies that will facilitate high-quality performance and promote employee motivation. Essentially, globalization trends and the continued technological changes have escalated the need to manage human resources. Research has showed that there are promising financial outcomes for organizations whose human resource management structures have attained operational excellence and in compliance with organisational goals. Human resource is a set of people who form the workforce of an organisation and is sometimes referred to as human capital. For human resource to work in line with the organization’s goals and objectives, it has to be managed. The supervision of workforce in an organisation is termed as human resource management. Human resource management is concerned with maximizing employee performance in pursuit for the organization’s goals (Deb, 2006). Strategic human resource management is a proactive mechanism to the management of an organization’s workforce tailored to lay tactical framework in support of long-term goals. Human resource management entails a number functions which include training and development, recruitment and retention of workforce, performance appraisal and employee remuneration. There are various strategic human resource aspects which can be used to judge an organization and they include; acquisition of skilled employees, satisfaction, managing risk, managing change and corporate culture, innovation, developing leaders and many others (Nankervis, Compton &

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Thesis Exercises Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thesis Exercises - Assignment Example Since our real world is not single sex, it’s hard for those students who go to single sex school to adapt themselves into society. For instance a female might be afraid of conversation with other guys, or guys might not be able to ask girls on dates, which is horrible in my perspective. Therefore, same sex schools are not a good option. I should take pride in my work. It because a lot of people will judge me with the quality of my work. Doing quality consistent quality work will become a good habit helping me become successful in the future for constantly doing quality work. Volunteering is important. Having many volunteers help society and other people during their time of need making it easier for them to recover. By having many volunteers around, it makes our society more compassionate People should watch less TV. Excessive watching of TV is bad idea because it is a distraction to study. If we will watch less TV, this would mean we will have more time for studying and other more productive activities. People who responsible should be the ones allowed to drive. Being responsibility is being determined by passing the driving test which should be done both in written and practical exam. This would eliminate the irresponsible drivers and would result to fewer accidents on the

About silk road Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

About silk road - Essay Example The whole process happened in a period. Traders who operate on the Silk Roads, however, they take great interest mostly in the safety of the products that they are particularly interested and in products that they trade in. This assures them of the protection of the trade route i.e. the Silk route or the Silk Road (Elisseeff 222). This paper will give detailed information on the silk roads including all the aspects. This means that the importance of silk roads will be covered in detail. Additionally, the history and the origin of these roads will be covered. On the other hand the disadvantages or the pros of the roads will also be given. Many researchers have conducted researches on these types of roads thus giving relevant information about Silk roads. The Silk Roads as discussed above are said to have originated during the 1st century. It came to this because of the efforts of the country China. China at first consolidated a road to the Western world and India. The two routes were obtained through direct settlement in the area of the Tarim Basim and diplomatic relationship countries of the Parthians, Dayuan and Bactrians further west. People used these routes to extract opportunities to exchange culture and other behaviors (Elisseeff 243). After the Roman conquest that happened in Egypt in 30 BC, the regular communications and the trade between several countries blossomed on an unprecedented scale. The countries that were on this blossom were China, India, Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. It was found that the Roman Empire inherited the eastern trade routes from the earlier Hellenistic powers and the Arabs. After the Roman Empire took over the Silk Roads, the citizens of the Roman Empire would have the opportunity of receiving luxuries and greater prosperity for the empire as a whole. With the presence of the Silk Roads, the Greco-Roman trade kept on rising to new levels. This trade was started by Eudoxus of Cyzicus in 130 BC. The trade rose to about

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Public Utilities Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Utilities - Term Paper Example listically behaved sector to a private owned and liberalized one since the 1980s with the privatization of British Telecom and the introduction of competition in the US long distance services (Wallsten, 2001). Based on the theoretical perspectives on privatization, it has been argued that the privatization of telecommunication sector will result in increasing the sector’s efficiency and overall performance. The empirical studies show the results varying in different countries. Given this background, this essay critically evaluates the privatization process of telecommunications all over the world and its impact. This essay is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the privatization process of telecommunication sector all over the world. Section 3 discusses the theoretical arguments behind privatization. Section 4 discusses the empirical studies son the telecommunications privatization. Section 5 discusses the country experiences in this regard. Section 6 concludes the essay. Due to the importance of telecommunications sector as a vital part of the national infrastructure in each country, the policy makers in this sector are supposed to ensure the availability of telephone to all upon demand, accessibility to the basic services to all people at affordable prices as well as to protect and defend a country’s security interests (Maitra, 2006). Moreover, being a technology intensive sector, the policy makers need to ensure that the country is making use of the most advanced technology in this sector to make use of all the available opportunities in the technology field. The three main challenges in this sector in front of the policy makers in the 1950s and the 1960s in all countries were the fast technological change, the poor performance of the state owned sector including long waiting times for accessing services and limited financial resources for availing new technologies that facilitate the growth in this sector (Maitra, 2006). Consequently, the three

Monday, July 22, 2019

Devise a Marketing Strategy to present to the Marketing Director Essay Example for Free

Devise a Marketing Strategy to present to the Marketing Director Essay In this case study, I have been given a number of roles and my task is to consider and provide appropriate answers in the relevant business context where you apply learning from my course of study so far and my own work experiences. Question 1 I am the supervisor in the marketing department and I believe that there is scope for gaining more sales in the standardised sector of the market because of quality differences between my product and those of larger competitors. Devise a Marketing Strategy to present to the Marketing Director designed to achieve this objective Corporate Objectives The Furniture Company, based in a small town in Lancashire, develops, manufactures and markets quality furniture. The firm has a very good reputation throughout the entire region for all its products. The Furniture Companys Supervisor of the Marketing Department is at present pursuing a strategy to grow its market share in the standardised section of the market because of quality differences between their product and those of larger companies. Marketing Audit Internal Product High quality standardised products targeted at C1/C2 segments. Considered to be higher quality than those of larger competitors. The firm has a very good reputation for quality products. Pricing -Currently sold to up market retail outlets and on all sales are there is a very high profit margin on a relatively low turnover. Prices are higher than for similar type products in the large retail outlets due to economies of scale in purchasing. Place Customers mainly consist C1/C2 for the standardised furniture. Potential customers visit the companys display showroom, fully manned by an accounts clerk, a salesperson, both of whom are full-time and two part-time salespersons at weekend. Promotion Very little advertising is done. Current advertising is mainly done via local press, and via direct mail all aimed locally. Advertising spend tends to be about 3% of revenue, with higher marketing spend within peak months. External Social Since consumer trends are always changing, as are several of the products. With the traditional furniture, trends have small effect on sales. Economic Figures to be confirmed. There is a spend of over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½750,000 within East Lancashire in the furniture market. The predicted growth for next year is 2% due to current consumer spend (interest rate currently stands at XX, and inflation 2.6%). Competitive The Furniture Company faces many competitors, on its retail side are many, and on local scale there are approximately 10 similar sized companies, although, the firm has a very good reputation throughout the entire region for all its products. Customer Audit Standardised products are aimed at C1/C2 segments. The competitions products were viewed as inferior to those of The Furniture Company, due to highly skilled craftsmanship. SWOT Analysis Strengths * Availability, either via local showroom, situated just off motorway or via retail outlet * Access, Full showroom with manned staff * Established, very good reputation throughout the region * Established up market retail outlet supplier * Higher quality than those of larger competitors * Innovation, constantly designing new furniture for changing market Weaknesses * Prices are slightly higher than for similar type products Opportunities * Market Development * Selling to mid-market retail outlets Nationwide * Expanding product into Europe worldwide Threats * Prices are higher than for similar type products in the large retail outlets * Unable to keep up with supplier demand Marketing Objectives and Strategies Market Development Ansoffs Matrix is a well-known Marketing Tool for deciding upon strategies for growth. First published in the Harvard Business Review (1957) in an article called Strategies for Diversification (see below example). Market Penetration By marketing our existing products to our existing customers, thus increasing revenue, by promoting the product, repositioning the brand. The aim is to encourage people to switch from other furniture manufacturers. Market Development Marketing the product in a new market/target audience. By introducing the product into a new region and also exporting the product. Market Extension/Product Development Selling the existing standard furniture into new markets, nationwide and worldwide, as the product already has a strong marketing competence. Diversification Not required Example of The Ansoff Matrix Product Life Cycle (see diagram below) Launch/Introduction The product is introduced into new markets and heavily promoted to create awareness. High costs. Due to success in the current markets, risk is fairly low. Growth Higher volume of sales enables The Furniture Company to benefit from economies of scale. Products become more profitable as sales rise and costs fall. Advertising spend is still high and focuses on building upon a brand name, ready for the maturity and decline stage to introduce new furniture after the brand has been established. Maturity Sales grow at a decreasing rate and then stabilise. Brand awareness is crucial in continuing success. The company retains its share of the market by capturing sales from weaker rivals by ensuring consistently quality furniture. Decline At this point there is a downturn in the market for this particular product. Sales and profit decline. New products are introduced or consumer tastes have changed. Product can be removed from the market at this stage and replaced by new furniture or profits can be improved by reducing marketing spend and cost cutting. Elimination/Withdrawal (or extension) When faced with decline in sales, the company will need to decide whether the decline is Temporary, Terminal and Irreversible or Capable of being reversed by an adjustment in the marketing mix Extension To rejuvenate the product to prolong its life by changing the product, the brand, the way it is promoted or the distribution channel. Question 2 As supervisor in the marketing department one of my roles is to devise expansion strategies as question 1. I believe, however, that the high quality hand crafted furniture could sell to a national and ultimately international market especially if at some future point the U.K. joins the single currency. At present these products sell to a regional market and I have already put this idea to the Marketing Director and received a positive response to the extent that he wants you to do a presentation to the full board of Directors on this idea Devise a promotional campaign to be presented to the Board that would reach a national market for the higher quality products. Marketing is defined as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying the requirements of customer profitably. Product Introduce the standardised range and also high quality furniture into mid-market and up-market retail outlets nationwide. The standardised range is higher quality than those of competitors. The handcrafted furniture provides high quality furniture aimed at the higher end of the market. Price Cost for the standardised product is slightly higher than its competitors. This can stand being higher due being higher quality than the products of competitors. Place The standardised products and the high quality furniture both sell currently to larger retail outlets and also to individual order. Introduction of the furniture into a national market and also international market. Promotion Offer trials to nationwide retail outlets, both mid-market and up-market with the relevant products, with trial offers. Pay for advertising spend to promote the product within the area via local media, and also promote product and brand via in-store advertising and display stands. Brand awareness is very important at this stage. The Promotional Plan * Description of products available * A description of target audience * Identification of the price * Information on where the product will be sold * Methods to be used o Posters placed at locations in store and places frequented by your target audience o Press Release Informing of the product to be selling locally o Local Newspaper Advertising Advertising within locality using established media within the area promoting brand and product o Radio Advertising Informing of product and brand launch, aimed at prime time listening, selecting stations geared to 35+ and homeowner audience. Question 3 I am employed as the supervisor in the Personnel Department and am responsible for the overseeing of the day-to-day tasks of the department. I am currently studying for the Institute of Personnel Management qualification and have become more familiar with the concept of human resources. Present a paper to the Personnel director outlining the benefits of introducing a HRM approach to the management of people and in particular how this would improve both productivity and motivation. Motivation (Definition) a set of processes concerned with the force that energises behaviour and directs it towards attaining some goal. A strategic, coherent and comprehensive approach to the management and development of the organisations human resources in which every aspect of that approach is wholly integrated with the overall management of the organisation. HRM is essentially an ideology, quote M. Armstrong, taken from Handbook of Human Resource Management, Kogan Page, 1999. Human resources management activities relate to employees pay, welfare, conditions of employment and training. HRM is based on four principles * Employees must be seen as valued assets in which to invest. It is human capability and commitment, which, in the final analysis, distinguishes successful organisations from the rest, Storey. * HRM is of strategic importance and, therefore, needs to be considered by top management in the formulation of the corporate plan. * Commitment not compliance. The key levers (the development of human resources; evaluation of performance and the rewarding of it) are to be used to seek not merely compliance but commitment. In other words, employees should not be forced to work grudgingly, but by obtaining their wholehearted commitment * Strategic implications of HRM. HRM is therefore, seen to have long-term implications and be integral to the core performance of the business. It must be the intimate concern of the line managers. Line managers have the responsibility of managing their staff. The role of personnel function is to enable the line managers to fulfil their HRM responsibilities effectively. Soft and Hard Approach to HRM The soft approach can be closer than the traditional personnel approach. Soft HRM is an integrated strategic function that is concerned with nurturing people because they are human beings whose feelings should be considered and, developing this valuable resource is the best way to achieve results. The Hard approach is based on the belief that human resources are the key assets, with emphasis placed on * Getting more out of people * Using them in a more productive way The aims of HRM are the same whether hard or soft and as follows * Enable management to achieve organisational objectives via its workforce * Enable people to utilise their full potential * Foster commitment * Integrate human resources policies with business plans * Establish an environment to unleash the creativity and energy of the workforce * Encourage flexibility in the interests of an organisation that is able to adapt to the environment and achieve excellence The main areas of management activity associated with the HRM philosophy * Organisation, design and effectiveness especially in relation to teamwork, communications, customer service and change management * Resources providing human resources required by means of recruitment, retention and training programmes. * Performance management improving performance by means of appraisal * Reward management for example, linking pay to performance * Motivation redesigning jobs and devising rewards to motivate employees * Commitment The integration of the needs of the individual with those of the organisation * Employee Relations Policies and procedures to encourage cooperation to the mutual benefit to all * Flexibility by means of mulitskilling redesigning jobs and new patterns of work * Quality as a way of life * Culture management influencing behaviour and thereby attitudes by means of resourcing, performance management and reward strategies Leadership and Motivation In the HRM school, Leadership should be democratic rather than authoritarian, managers should consult employees on matters that affect them, important in gaining respect of both the manager and the company, motivation rewards of social and psychological, not just financial. Motivation is defined as in influence that cases people (employees) to want to behave in a certain way, and combined with ability can result in performance. The motivated worker will be keen to work, take pride in their work, will not display negative attitude towards the company, display high level of commitment and get satisfaction out of work, benefiting the organisation with higher productivity levels, lower labour turnover, lower absenteeism, improve quality with less waste, greater willingness to accept change, willingness to contribute ideas and take on additional responsibility, allowing the company to overall reap the benefits of even greater financial gain. In production department, for example, possible financial reward could be brought into place looking at Hertzbergs Hygiene factors of Pay and Benefits, Working Conditions, Company Policy, Status, Job Security, Supervision, Office and Personal Lift all set to motivate Achievement, Recognition, Job Interest, Responsibility and ultimately Advancement. HRM could look at setting up motivating factors with the sales department by setting targets based on achieving sales to new retailers nationwide with additional financial gain based on and over achieving rewards. The key concepts to adapting a HRM approach to the company would provide the following Competition advantage Aspects of the company that give it an advantage over its rivals Human Resource Management A strategic, coherent and comprehensive approach to the management and development of the companys human resources Personnel Management Management/administration of recruitment, welfare and training of the employees McGregors Theory x and Y (1960) McGregors Theory X and Y (1960) about managerial behaviour had a profound effect on management thinking and practice. His Theory Y principles featured in management training courses for a decade or more. They influenced the design and implementation of personnel policies and practices. The legacy today permeates the axioms of participative and total quality management and the continued practice of staff appraisal. McGregor defined assumptions that he felt underpinned the practices and stances of managers in relation to employees. These were evident from their conversations and actions. Two sets of propositions were dubbed Theory X and Y. He was saying that what managers said or showed in their behaviour revealed their theories-in-use. Their predisposition led managers to pursue particular kinds of policies and relationships with employees. McGregors Theory Y was interpreted and promoted as a one-best-way, i.e. Y is the best. Managers or aspects of their behaviour became labelled as Theory X, the bad stereotype and Theory Y the good. McGregor ideas were much informed by Maslows need satisfaction model of motivation. Needs provide the driving force motivating behaviour and general orientation. Maslows ideas suggested that worker dissatisfaction with work was due to poor job design, managerial behaviour and too few opportunities for job satisfaction. On the basis of these ideas about drives Maslow suggested a classification of needs related to the development of the person lower level needs giving way developmentally to higher order needs. Thus a hierarchy is suggested although not claimed by Maslow. Example of Maslows Hieratchy Benefits If we introduced a HRM approach to the company ultimately employees at all levels will feel motivated and productive as quoted by carrot stick philosophy acceptance, and produce the most productivity. Employees will feel more worthy with a much easier line of communication with everyone feeling a valuable part of the organisation. The company needs to introduce a leadership mentality rather than management leadership and nurturer a new leadership approach. At present the organisations communications systems are mostly paper and telephone based Present a discussion document to the Personnel director explaining the concept of this electronic office, including explanation of the relevant technologies and their potential benefits You should also point out any potential drawbacks from this innovation and conclude with an evaluation of whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks or vice versa While predictions of the paperless office have yet to be fully realised, modern business now relies on a vast array of electronic equipment to function efficiently and effectively. The concept of a paperless office is to ensure productivity improvement and to use time more efficiently. At present most of the organisations communications are paper and telephone based. Initially, by utilising e-mail (electronic mail, which is the main use of the internet) the following advantages are gained by replacing paper telephone communication * Speed of movement and data * Paperless office * Accessible via any modem line * Delivery is faster than snail mail (post, especially useful when dealing overseas) * It overcomes the problems of timezones. The recipient does not have to be there to receive it * Like fax, it is possible to send messages to more than one person * E-mail addresses are portable * It enables users to exchange information with people * The cost is not dependent on the distance travelled * It is cheaper than fax or telephone * Cuts out general chat on the telephone * Less formal than a letter * The message will remain in the recipients e-mail account until it is collected * Can be sent with document or picture attachment * E-mails can be stored until recipient discards information Installing computerised systems with each department will also benefit from enabling all staff to access shared data from different departments computerised filing systems, e.g. access into word documents, spread sheets and other programme files. With transportable laptops, the office can be taken anywhere and even used worldwide, to assist in presentations and retrieving documents on a more global scale. Document Management System Another new form of the Electronic Office is the Document Management System offering solutions from the standalone scanner to a whole enterprise solution. E-Business solution companies analyse and advise on new business solutions. The Document Management System is a small step in the way forward for the paperless office, the benefits of incorporating the system is * Reduce office staff non-productivity rapidly locating folders and documents * Retain corporate knowledge and know where it is * Access paper documents within your business application * Scan your cabinets full of documents to secure them in case of Fire, Flood, Burglary or damage * Enable multiple people access to the same document or folder * Safely secure your documents for archival * Reduce boxes of stored paper * Automatically recognise forms and characters on incoming documents and locate them based on their content * Fax and receive documents directly from your desktop * Establish document privacy Electronic Office Manager It is a Human Resources and Process Management System that focuses on the internal operations of your business. The EOM provides businesses with a computerised Office Manager, with everything defined as a procedure, checklist or form. Job Descriptions become daily to do lists. To help manage time with automated reminders covering everything from training events to holiday management. EOM also provides Electronic Human Resource and Training Departments with employee files, applicant databases, and pre-written and editable employee handbooks and job descriptions. It also includes a system for creating and scheduling training. EOM even helps with financial forecasting and business planning features and point-to-point web navigation and link management. Operative Procedures, HRM, Business Development, Scheduling and Education Training are all available via EOM programme. Electronic Drawbacks Training and monitoring of training will be required at each stage to ensure competence and understanding of new system. With regular meetings required, and management of the change in system. Staff may be dissatisfied with the paperless office, and reluctant to the change. System failure. Without the adequate after support service and/or training there could be potential problems with system errors, which may result in non-productivity if staff rely on PCs when there is a breakdown. A recent example pf a paperless office is one department of Glasgow Borough Council, who recently had a computerised system developed solely for the use. Originally, each site manager called into an office each morning to collect information on various sites requiring repair assessment visits (approx 20 throughout the day) followed by a visiting to each site and manual completion of an in-depth form, and followed by manually inputting information on the computer for someone else then to call out to complete the repair work. The Borough Council have now developed a computerised system to enable them to receive the site information via electronic organiser, input the repair requirements, and return information upon completion for repairs to be carried out. Not only did this save much time on paperwork, but also time is more effectively managed by receiving full details of jobs throughout the day, which may be in areas the site manager is already working in. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jewell Bruce R, An Integrated Approach to Business Studies, Longman, [2000] ISBN 0582 40542 4 Ansoffs Matrix, [accessed 31/05/02] How do I market My Inventions, http://www.montanaedu/wwwcxai [accessed 20/05/02] The Electronic Office, [accessed 06/06/02] Imaging and Document Management Solutions, [accessed 05/06/02]

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quantitative Easing After the Financial Crisis

Quantitative Easing After the Financial Crisis Jose Nunez The global financial crisis started in August 2007 and lasted to 2009, which was the collapse of the subprime mortgage market (lenders with higher interest rates demand, and borrowers that can repay their loans) that led to a huge amount of losses to financial institutions in that time. The crisis led to one of the worst markets in the past 50 years. The impact it had on the economy was severe, it lead to a downward growth for U.S. companies, and an increase of uncertainty for the U.S. economy. The causes of the 2007- 2009 financial crisis were: financial innovation in mortgage markets, agency problems in the mortgage markets, and the role of asymmetric information in the credit rating process. There weren’t as many innovations back then, so before the year 2000 only credit worthy borrowers could get mortgages unlike others that didn’t have good credit. After advances in technology and new statistical techniques, that led to better evaluations on credit risk for a new risky loan to be made. FICO was developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation, which just predicted the outcome of how likely it was for a borrower to default on their loans and not pay the loan back. By lowering the cost of transactions, newer technology was able to bundle smaller loans that were similar to mortgages into debt securities. With these factors the banks were able to give out subprime mortgages to borrowers with less than good credit scores. Also, there were agency problems in the market, the brokers who made the loans usually did not make an effort to see whether the people taking the loans could actually pay the loans back, in other words they just gave out the loans to almost complete strangers that they knew very little about and they did not have the same interest as the investors had; once the broker earned his or her commission from the loan he or she did not care about the whether the borrowers paid or did not pay the loan off. Credit rating agencies were also a factor because of their asymmetric information; they were telling clients how to structure financial instruments at the time they rated the products so different information was being passed from firms to the borrowers. The effects it had on the U.S. economy were; housing prices went down, many subprime borrowers were finding that their mortgages were going underwater meaning that the house value was falling below the amount of the mortgage. Many homeowners just walked away from their homes giving the keys back to the lenders because the prices were going down. The default on mortgages rose tremendously, which led to many foreclosures. Value of mortgages backed securities and CDOs went down as well, and left the value of those assets to banks and financial institutions. Many of the well-known firms from had to be sold off to other larger companies for less than what they once worth and others had to file for bankruptcy. With all the things that happen in 2007-2009 in the economy, the crisis did not lead to a depression because of the actions of the Federal Reserve and government bailouts of the financial institutions but many call it a â€Å"great recession† instead. The economic recovery has been slow because people are now scared to invest their money in the markets and do not what to take on other risks, jobs are going overseas, inflation is rising, and economies of other countries are going down as well. Michael Farr said in an article from the Huffington â€Å"Corporate managers are just doing what works. Following the financial crisis, investors are not in the mood to take big risks. They would rather have the certainty that comes with higher dividend payments and increased stock buybacks†. When the economy is about to slip into a recession or depression the government uses a tactic called quantitative easing. Quantitative easing is when the central bank makes purchases from the market to bring down the interest rates so more people can have money in their pockets to spend and invest in the market. Federal Reserve gives the financial institutions money so they can lend out to the consumers and increase liquidity. Some of the down sides of quantitative easing are that it can cause inflation to increase due to being a certain amount of goods that are being sold when the money supply of the consumers has increased, and another is that instead of the banks lending out the money that was meant to be loaned out to people or companies was being kept by the banks instead. This strategy of the government in our last financial crisis was not really affective because the banks kept the money for reserve instead of lending it out the people and companies to increase liquidity and s pending. Many articles have been saying that the government has ended QE but according to an article by Terry Burnham  on argues, By all accounts, the  Federal Reserve ended its bond buying program, known as quantitative easing, at its policy meeting at the end of last month. Over six years, the central bank bought $4.5 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities and Treasury bonds. But since the beginning of this year, the Fed has been gradually drawing down its purchases by $10 billion a month to now, zero. It’s not that simple, though, says economist  Terry Burnham. The Fed is continuing what he calls â€Å"Stealth QE,† or the purchase ofmorebonds with the interest the Fed earns on the bonds it has already purchased. In order to stop that, he writes, the Fed would need to shrink its balance sheet by the amount of interest that it earns. Deleverage is when banks start to lose capital so they fall back on loaning money to others. They try to reduce the debt they have by selling their assets. Losses on their loans they gave out begin to drop in value which drops the net worth of the banks and financial institutions. Tejvan Pettinger said â€Å"To reduce debts people sell off assets to gain liquidity. Selling assets causes fall in the price of shares and house prices. Falling house prices cause lower consumer spending, negative equity and more losses for banks.† With less capital the banks and financial institutions have, the more risky they look towards others causing lender-savers to take out their funds. The decrease in funds will mean fewer loans to produce investments. Deleverage hurts the economy for those reasons. Globalization is when different countries trade with each other things such as products, ideas, aspects of their cultures, and other subject matters. Globalization has been increasing and has been getting easier due to the fact of newer and more advanced technology that has been invented till today to help us communicate with each other and transport product from one place to another. With globalization the cost of goods that we are buying that are coming from different parts of the world are low, compared to if we were to make them here because, it cost less for others to make it in their own country. Also the variety of goods within a country will increase because maybe we can’t produce certain goods here like other countries are able too. With globalization we have free trade, promoting jobs, keeping cost of goods low in the economy, and it’s making business more competitive thus stimulating the economy. Globalization also has a negative impact on the economy, that i s jobs are being moved over seas and outsourcing jobs to other places in the worked. The rich will continue to get richer and people looking for jobs will have to take on new jobs for less money because companies are moving out of the country. Both inflation and deflation can have a negative impact in the economy if inflation and deflation rises are severe. Inflation means the prices of goods and services are going up, lowering the purchasing power of the people and lowering the value of the dollar. A certain amount of inflation can also mean that we have a healthy economy because prices of goods and services will continue to go up. Deflation is the opposite of inflation, so instead of the rising prices of goods and services the prices are falling. When deflation is happening people tend to save more money and spend less because the value of the dollar is increasing. By not spending more the demand for goods and services drops and unemployment increases because not many people want to buy things. Deflation can be caused by a decrease in spending by the government, and people. There are also pages that say QE can also lead to deflation. The Wall Street Journal said â€Å"Nearly a decade after Japan’s central bank fi rst experimented with the policy, the country remains mired in deflation, a general decline in wages and prices that has crippled its economy.† Moderate levels of both inflation and deflation are normal have little effect on the economy. Works Cited Burnham, Terry. â€Å"So you thought quantitative easing was over? Think again† PBS News Hour. 24 November 2014. Farr, Michael. â€Å"What Is Causing the Drag?† The Huffington Post, 21 November 2014. Mishkin, S. Frederic. â€Å"The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets Tenth Edition.† Colombia College. Pearson, 2013. Print. Pettinger, Tejvan. â€Å"Paradox of Deleveraging.† Economics Help, 6 May 2009. WashingtonsBlog. â€Å"Why QE May Lead to DEFLATION In the Long Run.† Washington’s Blog. 18 November 2014.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Evidence Based Screening Case Study

Evidence Based Screening Case Study Christopher Mason Clinical scenario Miss. J, (not the patient’s real title or Initial), is a 37-year old female who was recently admitted to the hospital for chronic fatigue leading to exhaustion. As a career she says, â€Å"I am a professional writer and aspiring actress.† She lives alone on the Westside of Los Angeles in a one bedroom apartment. During our conversation she disclosed that after a five year period of not smoking; she has begun smoking again. Miss. J says that the stresses that come with her career path as an actress and writer along with the people involved in the same has most likely caused her to do so. Miss. J denies any illicit drug use but does occasionally use alcohol as a stress reducer. As far as she knows no one in her family has died from or developed any type of cancer. Her father passed away from Acute Myocardial Infarction and was a type 1 diabetic. Her mother has steroid induced type 2 diabetes. Miss. J says, â€Å"I have managed to avoid both. So far.† Identification of the Evidence Based Guideline Based on the interaction with Miss. J, several risk factors became apparent and they include a family history of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Even with type 2 diabetes having a strong familial association her mother’s was induced by steroids rather than being genetic. The other risk factor that I identified was the smoking of cigarettes and casual use of alcohol as a stress reducer. This places her at an increased risk for use of other illicit drugs, driving accidents, lung cancer, COPD, and high blood pressure, as well as other smoking related diseases. Reason for Selecting Guideline Based on the United States Preventive Services Task Force (U. S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2010), being screened for high blood pressure is recommended as an â€Å"A† level screening. The current level defining hypertension in adults is equal to or greater than 140 for systolic and equal to or greater than 90 for diastolic. Based on variability between separate readings, it is recommended to obtain greater than 2 readings on different visits over several weeks to diagnose hypertension. (p. 35) Barriers and Facilitators for Client Miss. J has only one barrier that I could pinpoint to following up with the screening. Her fatigue. She told me that sometimes she misses appointments because she is too exhausted to drive to them. She agreed that she would make an appointment with her personal physician after being released from the hospital to be screened for hypertension. Adding that she just hoped that she would be able to make the appointments. One of the facilitators that allowed me to participate in a conversation with Miss. J concerning her hypertension was her stating to me that she wished she could have a smoke. That along with her being a captive audience in the hospital. No one had been to visit with her that I had seen, so I assumed and was correct that she would like to chat. Receptivity of Client Miss. J was receptive to the screenings I have listed below. She stated to me that she had recently had a pap smear and tested negative for abnormal cervical cells and HPV. Being asked about the Chlamydia screening because of being sexually active; she said it was something she was interested in receiving more information about. Evidence Based Screening Guidelines Pertinent to Patient Type Clinical Considerations and Currency Situation Cervical Cancer Women 21 to 65 (Pap smear) every 3 years or, for women age 30 to 65 years who want to lengthen the screening interval, screening with a combination of cytology and HPV testing every 5 years. Grade A+ Recommended. (Screening for Cervical Cancer, 2014). Yes, she is current. Chlamydia All sexually active non-pregnant young women aged 24 and younger and for older non-pregnant women who are at increased risk. Grade A+ Recommended. (Section 2. Recommendations for Adults (continued) | Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ)#Chlamydia, 2014) No, she is not current. Folic Acid All women planning or capable of pregnancy take a daily supplement containing 0.4 to 0.8 mg (400 to 800  µg) of folic acid. Grade A+ Recommended. (Folic Acid for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects, 2014) Yes, she takes daily supplement. HIV Adolescents and adults aged 15 to 65 years. Younger adolescents and older adults who are at increased risk should also be screened. Grade A+ Recommended. (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Final Recommendation Statement, 2014) Yes, she is current. Tobacco Use This recommendation applies to adults 18 years or older and all pregnant women regardless of age. The USPSTF plans to issue a separate recommendation statement about counseling to prevent tobacco use in non-pregnant adolescents and children. Grade A+ Recommended. (Counseling and Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease in Adults and Pregnant Women: Reaffirmation Recommendation Statement, April 2009) Yes, she has been instructed and understands she should quit. Healthcare Provider Barriers I am performing my clinical rotation at Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. They do not allow us to use electronics in or around the patients/clients. After explaining to my clinical liaison about our subject and assignment we were cleared to use the program as long as we did it outside of the patient’s rooms. This was limiting but not considered a complete barrier. Confidence in Providing Evidence Based Screening Guidelines This assignment made me feel uncomfortable at first. I realized that I would be asking some very personal questions to a patient that I did not know. However, it did allow me the chance to become familiar with the AHRQ evidence based guidelines application on the android market. Also, it allowed me to help my patient to learn more about the screenings that she should have based on her lifestyle. References Counseling and Interventions to Prevent Tobacco Use and Tobacco-Caused Disease in Adults and Pregnant Women: Reaffirmation Recommendation Statement. (April 2009). from Folic Acid for the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects. (2014). from Screening for Cervical Cancer. (2014). from Section 2. Recommendations for Adults (continued) | Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ)#Chlamydia. (2014). from U. S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2010). The guide to clinical preventive services, 2010-2011: recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. [Rockville, Md.]: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Final Recommendation Statement. (2014). from

Home Schools V.S. Public Schools Essay -- Education Learning Papers

Home Schools V.S. Public Schools How would your life be different if you were home schooled? Perhaps you were. If not though, do you think that you would be on the same academic path that you are on now? In the case of Evenstar Perez, it made her life very different. Evenstar started out going to a public school from first grade through fifth, but it wasn’t until she entered into sixth grade that she began to be home schooled. Evenstar mentioned, â€Å"At first the transition was difficult because I was so used to the public schools system of doing things, but later I became better adapted.† When asked what advantages she felt she gained from her home school experience, Evenstar replied, â€Å"A lot.† She then went on to explain how she got ahead of students her age at public schools; â€Å"I got way ahead in my math classes. While most students in my grade at public schools were taking algebra, I was taking geometry.† Evenstar had the ability to experience both a public school a nd home school educational experience and stated that the home school experience allowed for more personal time and individual attention. She explained, â€Å"There is more time to study, you can work at your own pace, and you can get more done in the home school environment.† It becomes clear through talking with Evenstar that home schooling had a positive impact on her life. Presently in America, there are 1.5 million students who participate in home schooling. This amount constitutes for about 2.8% of all of the students that do not attend either a private or public school for the grades K-12 (Cai 1). It has been, and continues today, to be an ongoing debate over whether home schooling or public schooling offers a better education for a student. Ther... ... (2002): 1-15. Cartland, Jenifer, Ruch Ross, Holly S. Henry, and David B. Adolescence. â€Å"Feeling At Home In One’s School: A First Look At A New Measure.† Academic Search Premier. 38 (2003): 1-12. Eley, Mark G. â€Å"Making the Home School Connection.† Academic Search Premier. 59 (2002): 1-3. Raver, Cybele C. â€Å"Young Children’s Emotional Development and School Readiness.† Department of Education. (2003): 1-6. Ray, Brian D. â€Å"Customization Through Home Schooling.† Educational Leadership. 59 (2002): 1-6. Rivero, Lisa. â€Å"Progressive Digressions: Home Schooling For Self Actulization.† Roeper Review. 24 (2002): 1-12. Ryan, Kevin, and James M. Cooper. Those Who Can, Teach. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 2004. Sheehan, Michele. â€Å"Dancing With Monica: Personal Perceptions of a Home School Mom.† Roeper Review. 24 (2002): 1-11. Home Schools V.S. Public Schools Essay -- Education Learning Papers Home Schools V.S. Public Schools How would your life be different if you were home schooled? Perhaps you were. If not though, do you think that you would be on the same academic path that you are on now? In the case of Evenstar Perez, it made her life very different. Evenstar started out going to a public school from first grade through fifth, but it wasn’t until she entered into sixth grade that she began to be home schooled. Evenstar mentioned, â€Å"At first the transition was difficult because I was so used to the public schools system of doing things, but later I became better adapted.† When asked what advantages she felt she gained from her home school experience, Evenstar replied, â€Å"A lot.† She then went on to explain how she got ahead of students her age at public schools; â€Å"I got way ahead in my math classes. While most students in my grade at public schools were taking algebra, I was taking geometry.† Evenstar had the ability to experience both a public school a nd home school educational experience and stated that the home school experience allowed for more personal time and individual attention. She explained, â€Å"There is more time to study, you can work at your own pace, and you can get more done in the home school environment.† It becomes clear through talking with Evenstar that home schooling had a positive impact on her life. Presently in America, there are 1.5 million students who participate in home schooling. This amount constitutes for about 2.8% of all of the students that do not attend either a private or public school for the grades K-12 (Cai 1). It has been, and continues today, to be an ongoing debate over whether home schooling or public schooling offers a better education for a student. Ther... ... (2002): 1-15. Cartland, Jenifer, Ruch Ross, Holly S. Henry, and David B. Adolescence. â€Å"Feeling At Home In One’s School: A First Look At A New Measure.† Academic Search Premier. 38 (2003): 1-12. Eley, Mark G. â€Å"Making the Home School Connection.† Academic Search Premier. 59 (2002): 1-3. Raver, Cybele C. â€Å"Young Children’s Emotional Development and School Readiness.† Department of Education. (2003): 1-6. Ray, Brian D. â€Å"Customization Through Home Schooling.† Educational Leadership. 59 (2002): 1-6. Rivero, Lisa. â€Å"Progressive Digressions: Home Schooling For Self Actulization.† Roeper Review. 24 (2002): 1-12. Ryan, Kevin, and James M. Cooper. Those Who Can, Teach. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 2004. Sheehan, Michele. â€Å"Dancing With Monica: Personal Perceptions of a Home School Mom.† Roeper Review. 24 (2002): 1-11.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The High Price of In Vitro Fertilization :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The High Price of In Vitro Fertilization MAKE A DREAM COME TRUE. GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE! BE AN EGG DONOR. $6,500 STIPEND AND EXPENSES PAID. When twenty-year-old Maria Slone first saw the ad in her college newspaper, she remembers thinking, â€Å"Damn, that’s a lot of money!† She called up immediately, envisioning an egg-plucking process that would be as quick and effortless as sperm donation. Disappointingly, the receptionist at Woman to Woman Fertility Clinic didn’t give her the time of day, mostly because that was last spring and Maria wasn’t twenty-one yet, but also because she seemed a tad too money-hungry for the well-to-do clinic. Looking back, Maria smiles a little sheepishly. Now, one year later, and halfway through the process of donating her eggs to an infertile couple, she knows what she’s in for, both emotionally and physically. Already, she’s wrestled with the idea of selling her genetic material to strangers—she’s taking the unusual step of meeting with the couple who chose her genes from a stack of manila folders. And now she’s overcoming a lifelong abhorrence of needles by playing doctor—she’s injecting a syringe full of milk into a grapefruit, mentally bracing herself for the ovary-stimulating hormones she’ll inject into her own thighs and buttocks for ten days next month. But Maria’s taking both the emotional and physical sacrifices in stride because at the end of August—after ten or more of her eggs are retrieved from her ovaries—the Woman to Woman Fertility Clinic will cut her a $4,000 check. The payment promises a soothing aloe to Maria’s staggering list of financial woes: crushing legal fees, spiraling credit card debt, student loan payments, and a hankering for a liposuction procedure that could cost up to $4,000. Already, she spends long, hot Saturdays babysitting for a hyper five-year-old boy, and on weekdays leads troops of rowdy teenagers on tours through the State Capitol. Both jobs barely subsidize rent, groceries, and the weekend recreational pleasures that 21-year-old college students indulge in. That’s why, after being rebuffed once, Maria called again four months ago. The information packet came in the mail only three days after Maria dialed the 1-800 number. From the vital statistics she provided over the phone—blond hair, blue eyes—she was an instant hit. The receptionist at the fertility clinic made her voice buttery sweet, over-eager to please.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethics Answers Essay

1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Yes, I agree with Emmanuel Kant. It is said that a man’s worth is measured by how much he helped others to ease their burdens, and acted with compassion for the well-being of the majority. But first, he must preserve his integrity and self-respect before he can serve his fellow man. As Kant stated, one who transgresses against himself loss his manliness and becomes incapable of doing his duty towards his fellows. The most important duty to us is the preservation of one’s life and dignity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Yes. Certainly, suicide is abominable. And Kant’s arguments against suicide are very convincing and tenable. We, as human beings, are vested with the gift of willpower, the freedom to choose things that make us happy and contented. It would be a waste if this willpower is used as a means to destroy one’s very life. Suicide defeats the purpose of what makes us human, that is to serve others and dignify one’s life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this instance, the Congressman lost his self-worth in two ways; one, by accepting bribe, and the second by being drunk. Because a man’s worth is by doing his moral duty to himself and others, this duty would not be attained because he transgresses against himself. Kant observed that he who transgresses against himself loses his manliness and become incapable of doing his duty towards his fellows. A man who fails in his duty to himself loses worth absolutely.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Worth in Emmanuel Kant’s concept is the capacity of an individual to perform his moral duties to himself and others. It is a man’s over-all personality. Thus, a man who has destroyed and cast away his personality, has no intrinsic worth, and can no longer perform any manner of duty to himself and to his fellow human being.

Rango Essay

Its non incessantly easy to relate the story of a talk of the town lizard to the history of the humanness. Or at l easterly, thats they want the watchers to think. The justice is that there ar umteen various themes that tie into the lands past times. Rango (the talking lizard) nates demonstrate some of the humanitys most(prenominal) influential leading the city manager, who is a talking turtle, corresponds to the corrupted presidency of countries. In a authority, m some(prenominal) of the themes in this movie relate to 1 another. kind identity, religion, g everyplacenment, hit man worship, and human reconcileation, is entirely the low gear of what this shoot uncovers ab step to the fore the world, and the human species itself.The biggest and most occurring questions asked in Rango are the aces that follow who am I, or who are you? Throughout the tot all toldy movie, Rango tried to figure out who he is. The movie opens up with Rango acting out a scene, but the n simoleons and realizes that his play is missing something his character demand to be much limnd and is in need of conflict. after falling absent the car, and having his home shattered, he finds conflict, but mum has no clue of who he unfeignedly is. Talking to the armadillo, he comes a bedevil the circumstance that because no one knows him, he can be anyone he wants to be.In the distance of the movie, Rango evaluates who he is, and who he can be. In this way, I can relate Rango to Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, the far-famed philosopher. One primary(prenominal) point of Nietzsches writings was the will to power. Originally Schopenhauers created the subject of utilitarianism, which is the mental picture of an aimless will, claiming that many humans main want is simply to be happy. Nietzsche rejected that idea when he stated that happiness is not the main goal, but a precede of successfully fulfilling ones main goals, and overcoming challenging obstacles-in the eagle-ey ed term, fulfillment of the will.Rangos character is too raw and budding in the get down, when he gets to the town of nastiness and creates this strong, law abiding, Sheriff persona, he comes to believe that this is who he actually is. When Rattlesnake Jake, proves that Rango is a prevaricator and forces Rango to leave town, the armadillo and him reach another encounter. In that encounter, the armadillo points out that it is the deeds that make the man. later on hearing this, Rango returns to Dirt, fully aware of whom he is. Another way humans define themselves, is through religion.though religion is a touchy subject for some state, it is convey and shown numerous eons throughout the movie. The first-class honours degree time Rango meets Roadkill (the armadillo), is when Rango must help the armadillo up because he got smashed by a car. When Rango, questions the reason for Roadkills suicide mission, the quondam(a)ish armadillo answers that it is because the Spirit of the West is waiting for him on the other side. That is not the last time the Spirit of the West is mentioned. The acting divinity is referred to at the ritual for weewee that happens both Wednesday and noon.Right before, completing the ritual, the villagers send a prayer to the Spirit of the West, ending in amen. The villagers of Dirt go into a kind of trance, when they hear that 12 Oclock bell chime. Each resident grabs a bottle and gets in the line. Once they light upon the end of their ritual, they are all stand in front of a piddle spigot, praying for water to once again have the best the town. aft(prenominal) saying a sententious prayer to the Spirit of the West, the city manager holds up the valve handle, in the shape of a cross inside a circle.The city manager holds up the handle, much like a priest would hold up the consecrated host, planetary house the ritualistic and religious mien of old and current civilization. The mayor plays a rattling important role in the film as well as the analogy. The mayor represents the corrupt government leaders of the world. In the film, the water of Dirt basically runs out. The people are barely scraping by without water, and desperately need their problem to be fixed. They mayor was there, in the town of Dirt, long before it became a barren waste pop, so he knows how much a genuine city can thrive.The once owing(p) leader became corrupted by the notion of power and influence he had over the towns people by controlling what they need the most water. The mayor wanted to have everything under his control, every piece of land, every piece of business and so on. The town, was one day thriving, living the great American life, and then the future(a), businesses were shutting down, land was drying up, and the drouth was more serious than ever. While the mayor and his comrades laughed about getting all the water to themselves, the villagers lived in hardship.That mail service reminds me of Jean-Claude Duvalier, president of Hati from 1971-86. Jean-Claude resumed the military strength of president after his predecessor and stimulate, passed. The join States put a lot of cart on Jean-Claude to restore the great land of Hati, from the dictatorial regime of his father. In the beginning, he was successful. He introduced reforms, replaced cabinet members, and released political prisoners. Though all was not as it seemed, and his rule did not differ much from his fathers.While his people were living in poverty, he continued to live a luxurious lifestyle with his wife. In fact, his unite along cost $3 zillion US dollars. Many people wondered for ages, how all this was possible, and eventually, the truth came out. As it turns out, Jean-Claude had been in several(prenominal) drug trades as well as selling body parts of pulseless Haitians. After his dark secrets were revealed, he fled to France, and for the next two decades, served a self-imposed exile. This year, on the 16th of January, he was spotted in Hati.The following day, he was arrested for the possible charges of embezzlement, and corruption. Currently, Duvalier is judge to be held in trial before a judge in Port-au-Prince. Yet, the situation makes you think, that in the same way the town looked to the mayor for guidance and resurrection, the Haitian inhabitants, looked to Duvalier for the Nazarene from the awful dictatorship before him. What the mayor and Duvalier both have in common, is the fit of the hero, saving the land. The biggest thing I establish Rango to have in common with the world is human adaptation.It was obvious in the beginning of the film, that Rango did not belong in Dirt. After figuring that out for himself, he took on the task of adapting to his surroundings. He studied the ways they walked, talked, and held themselves in their everyday life. The villagers very roundly showed that they did not take well to strangers, and are against the idea of anyone being different. The residents showed that it is easier to survive, if you do not stand out. Rango derived from the towns behavior that, he would be much more likely to survive, if he behaved like one of them.Our human ancestors ran into many of the same problems Rango did. They had to adapt to their environment, in order to survive. Rango had nothing when he began his journey, as did our ancestors. With nothing more than disputation tools (spears, knives, etc. ) they trekked out of Africa and towards the middle east and then westward. Our beginning ancestors not only had to adapt to their environment, but they had to shift their feeding habits, to whatever was available to them. Similar to the way the people of Dirt drank cactus juice because of the omit of water availability.There are no limitations when it comes to relating history to the things we see around us. After all, without history, there would not be a present. The film Rango takes themes you see in everyday world history and places them into term s and situations that any age group may understand. in the main the characters in the film can represent various figures in real life Human identity, religion, government, hero worship, and human adaptation in the past have all influence how the world is now.